Spond for AKF
Spond has answered the most common questions in the help section. It's located at the bottom left in your browser or under your profile in the app. Here are a few points specific for AKF.
About the group "AKF for members"
The group is the member portal of Akademisk Korforening for active members. The group is used to send rehearsal invitations, keep track of participation, and share useful information and news. You will receive push notifications in the app or by email if you don't use the app.
Each voice group has its own group, where you'll find information particular to your voice group.
Please note that the posts in the voice groups aren't private. They can be read by choir people in various positions in addition the current and future group members. This is due to limited technical possibilities.
Choir members can only see their own group. People in choir positions can see all groups.

Your profile
You can add a photo of yourself. This is not necessary, though nice for other members so they can easily find out who you are. We especially encourage that people in a choir position add a picture. You can do this in the app and a browser.
You can adjust which push notifications you want to get from the app. Remember to turn on push notifications for Spond on your mobile phone as well. You can do this under Settings on your mobile phone.
If you are a host of events (this concerns mostly voice group leaders and the secretary) you may consider turning off push notifications for people accepting or declining events, and instead check manually before rehearsals.
Here you can specify which calendar you want to sync with. If you are a member of several groups, you can choose different calendars for different groups.

Events, i.e. rehearsals and concerts
Tuesday rehearsals
AKF's events are set up with you automatically attending rehearsals on Tuesdays. The rehearsals are mandatory and we therefore naturally expect you to come. If you are sick or have other necessary absences, please register it directly on the event in Spond or send a message to your voice group leader. This registration is necessary for the choir to apply for adult education funds.
Concerts and other events
For concerts and other events you need to actively respond, i.e. press "Join" or "Decline", as for the Rossini concert. This is necessary for the conductor and the board to keep track of actual participation and voice distribution when we perform. We ask you to respond well in advance, so that only last minute illness may cause any changes. If you have the app, the unanswered events will appear at the top of the list.
All events are shown in a summary with unanswered events at the top of the list. It's appreciated if you answer these as early as possible. The events can be synchronized with your calendar. The setting is in your profile.
The events overview in Spond is good and we have decided to discontinue the AKF calendar in google. If you have synchronized your calendar with this, we suggest that you now switch to synchronization with the calendar in Spond. The setting is located under your profile picture in the upper left corner of the app. You can find more information on Spond help, here. For the time being it is unfortunately only in Norwegian.

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